This terrible Samsung camera ruined my day

Dig through a drawer in my office shortly after Samsung Galaxy S25 Ultra I arrived, I found a relic. It was a compact digital camera also made by Samsung, who had bought by whim before a trip almost a decade ago.
I have not used it since then, and since I was already testing a Samsung camera, why not add another to the list? The next day I went to take photos for my next S25 ultra review, and I am very happy to have not trusted the old Samsung camera to document my time, as I would have done. spoiled he.
Know the ST72

Choosing the Samsung St72 camera again reminded me of why I bought it: its size. It is less than half the size of the Galaxy S25 Ultra and I can easily take it in my pocket or bag, just knowing that it is there. There is a sensitive size screen on the back, a physical release of two -stage shutter at the top, and even has a zoom function.
I looked for the rest of the specification to compare it with the Ultra Galaxy S25. The main 1/2.3 -inch sensor has 16.2 megapixels and a 5X optical zoom, it also has that 3 -inch LCD screen on the back. It is not good with the 200MP main camera of Galaxy S25 Ultra, 50mp of great angle and two teleobjective cameras, but can (on paper) coincide with one of the optical zoom modes.

The problem was that I could not remember if the ST72 took good photos or not. I know I used it on a trip, but looking back most of my memories were captured with my iPhone at that time. Was this because ST72 took trash photos? I learned, and I wasn’t prepared for how horrible it is.
Day outside, ruined
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Samsung St72 - 2.
Samsung Galaxy S25 Ultra
The Samsung St72 came out in 2013, but can still find it for sale today on Ebay, and a temptingly low price. I was certainly not approaching this comparison as a way of offering serious purchase tips, since I wait The Ultra Galaxy S25 of $ 1,300 to take better photos than the St72 Chamber of $ 120. What I did not expect was to see such a big difference, and it really shows how far things have come.
Let’s start with a basic and simple photograph of a church on a very bright winter day. It is amazing how poor it is the photo of the ST72, with messy and stained in the foreground, an unstable approach at all times, a complete lack of detail, unwanted noise and visualless pop at all. He even looked for himself, few would be satisfied with the photo of the ST72 and probably would never return to her in the future.
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Samsung St72 - 2.
Samsung Galaxy S25 Ultra
Compare with the photo of Galaxy S25 Ultra, and there is no contest. I love the colors and visual emotion of S25 ultra, and the way he really captured the wonderful blue winter sky. The second photo shows a sunset after a rainy day, except that it would have to tell you That’s why I took the photo if the only evidence I had was the image of ST72. Its opening F/2.5 does not help here, and cannot capture the depth of color visible to the naked eye. The photo of the Ultra S25 looks great, and such a verbal explanation of the scene would not be required with the Ultra Galaxy S25. The F/1.8 opening means that it is much more capable of low or difficult lighting, and although the photo is not perfect, it is a bit stained and noisy, it is obvious why I took the photo, and with a small edition it would be really beautiful.
Teleobjective is a non-no
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Samsung St72 5x Zoom - 2.
Samsung Galaxy S25 Ultra 5x Zoom
At this point, I had only seen the photos of the ST72 on the camera’s LCD screen, and then they didn’t look great. However, I convinced myself that the screen is not doing justice the real photos, and I kept taking photos during the day. The ST72 also has an optical zoom function, like the Galaxy S25 Ultra, and thinking about this may have been a reason why I chose it. Even then, when I was not so interested or knowledgeable about the cameras or photography, it clearly wanted the versatility of a capable zoom. However, it should be very disappointed by the results.

There is a big difference between the two photos of the 5x Zoom bridge, it is practically impossible to believe that the couple technically used the same characteristic. Choosing the photo of the ST72 apart seems a loss of time, as if you had never seen a photograph before, everYou would still know it was garbage. It has more in common with the digital zoom photos taken with an aged smartphone than with the 5X optical zoom capable of Galaxy S25 Ultra Ultra.
A reminder of how lucky we are
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Samsung St72 - 2.
Samsung Galaxy S25 Ultra
Did St72 completely fail? There was a photo in which I think he did a slightly Better work than the Ultra Galaxy S25. Taken inside a store, the photo of the ST72 of the flowers wrapped in paper is brighter and less forceful, in good sense, than the photo of S25 ultra. The colors are natural, the effective white balance and there is also a level of decent detail. The photo of S25 Ultra is in excess, and I am not sure that you have the right exposure.
However, a photo cannot save the Samsung St72, and neither does its charming size and shape. It is not absolutely the Samsung camera that someone should use in 2025. If my day was, it was one in which I really wanted to capture memories, I would have ruined them. It is really surprising how much difference there is between a digital camera 10 years ago and today’s smartphones. Of course, the Ultra Galaxy S25 is much more expensive, but I think everyone but the very The worst smartphone camera today It would still defeat St72 in a consecutive test.

Highlights how spoiled we are for what they are capable of the cameras of our phone, and after using the ST72 again, I suppose I hid it so many years ago because I was not clearly impressed by their capacity. At that time I would have had the option of the Apple iPhone 5she Nokia Lumia 1020and the LG G2 The smartphones, and I am almost sure that everyone would take considerably better photos than the ST72.
The small Samsung camera returns to its drawer, where it will serve as a reminder of how lucky we are having such excellent cameras with us all day, because according to the real photos that are needed, that is for everything that is good. As for the Galaxy S25 Ultra camera, it looks great, but other more relevant comparisons reveal if you really have what you need to assume and defeat your peers.