Microsofts Big Update iPhone Integration in Windows

Microsoft’s Big Update: iPhone Integration in Windows!

iPhone integration with Windows     Microsoft is introducing a major update for iPhone users on Windows. With a new widget next to the Start Menu, you can now easily access your iPhone’s notifications, battery status, recent contacts, and more. This seamless integration enhances productivity and connectivity, making Windows more iPhone-friendly than ever. Stay ahead with this game-changing update!

To enjoy this function, you must use the recent compilation of the preview of Windows 11 from the DEV and Beta channels, and must . You must also update the telephone link application to version 1.24121.30.0 or higher, have a Microsoft account and have a PC that Bluetooth Le. Microsoft said it does not admit PC that run SKU of professional education or education. Even if this does not affect it, the update is being implemented in phases, so reaching its PC could take some time if you still do not.

Thanks to the updated telephone link panel for the start menu, iPhone users can now send and share files between an iPhone and an Android device. Last year, Microsoft also added For quick responses. Now, iPhone users will not have to wait to get a piece of the cake. To enjoy this, go to the start menu and choose if you connect with an iPhone or Android. After that, follow the instructions on the screen to start using the function.

Microsoft first And he is gradually detaching. If you are one of the lucky ones and you have the function, you can administer it to Configuration> Personalization> Home.

Microsoft has slowly updated the application of the phone link in recent years, trying to capture the perfect integration between a MAC and an iPhone. The phone link is not there yet, but it is approaching. Meanwhile, Apple is advancing with  In Macs.

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