3 Amazon Prime Substimated Video Movies that you should see this weekend (January 31, February 2) - Smart Tech Ideas | Tech Solution For A Smarter Life

3 Amazon Prime Substimated Video Movies that you should see this weekend (January 31, February 2)

The problem with Amazon Prime video It is that, despite their great list of movies to see, many of them are so buried that they never knew they were there. If you are trying to find something to look at the streamer and be blank, then you are in luck.

We have gathered a list of three excellent films of main video that is worth visiting, including at least one that could have completely forgotten. Among the three titles, there will surely be something for you to enjoy:

We also have guides for the The best films in Netflixhe The best films in Huluhe The best films on Amazon Prime Videohe The best films in Max, and he The best films in Disney+.

Captain Phillips (2013)

Captain Phillips – Official International Trailer

Counting the true story of a cargo ship that was kidnapped by Somali pirates, Captain Phillips Follow the pirates the ship’s crew while fighting each other in the midst of dangerous circumstances.

Anchored by one of the best performances of Tom Hanks and directed with an ignition to the ground by Paul Grengrass, Captain Phillips It is exciting until its final moments, even if you know exactly what will happen. The final Hanks scene here, in which he is finally safe enough to feel what he has been feeling the whole movie, is one of the best scenes of the decade.

You can look Captain Phillips In Amazon Prime Video.

Sweet success smell (1957)

Sweet Solor of Success Trailer (1957) – The Criterion Collection

An older movie, but one that remains absolutely all these years later. Sweet Success Smell It tells the story of an incredibly influential newspaper columnist that recruits a publicist to find a way to divide his sister’s relationship.

As the publicist becomes increasingly ruthless, the film becomes a study of how people with influence of power and how public opinion is perfected and molded by these people. With two dynamic central performances by Tony Curtis and Burt Lancaster, Sweet Success Smell He knows how rotten this country is, and he has supported for that reason.

You can look Sweet Success Smell In the Video Primo.

Gerry (2002)

Casey Affleck and Matt Damon in Gerry

Even when Matt Damon was blooming in a complete film star, I was still doing time for smaller movies like Gerry. Protagonist Damon and Casey Affleck As two friends called Gerry to get lost in Death Valley after they roam a hiking route and slowly realize how much danger they are.

Directed by Gus van Sant, Gerry He is very honest about how terrifying he would be lost in the desert, even when the two friends do everything possible to keep the high mood. Van Sant emphasizes how much silence happens between the two, and the final moments of the film are as devastating as fascinating.

You can look Gerry In Amazon Prime Video.

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